Friday, September 07, 2007

Danish booties

I picked up this Danish bootie pattern in a great little shop in the Swedish island of Gotland this spring. It claimed to be one size fits all, but my feet are apparently kinda large so I had to fiddle with the pattern a bit and add an extra repeat of the pattern. The pattern was offered in Danish, Norwegian, and German. My german isn't so great, nor had I ever tried to read a knitting pattern in german. It came out ok since I'm a relatively experienced knitter, but it sure seemed like some parts of the directions were missing. I still am not sure if they were (the pattern writer assumed we'd know how to fill in the gaps) or if I just couldn't make out the german...

This meant I was running short of the grey, so the other slipper is white with grey accents. I guess I can tell left from right that way? Ha ha! They are all done except I can't seem to seam them up--I tried once three different times and couldn't get the rhythm of it. I HATE sewing--I'd far prefer to knit a cardigan in the round and steek it than seem (or purl all those rows!). Got to sit down and get this done!



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